I am a health innovator, biomedical engineer, design philosopher, and social entrepreneur who loves authentic and meaningful relationships. My roots are in New York City’s Film Industry, Academia, and Medical Devices. Today you can find me mentoring the next generation of social innovators at NC State, working on a new venture or two, riding a bicycle somewhere in the woods, and serving as a Team Lead in NIH Programs including RADx, ITAP, Blueprint MedTech, HIV Point of Care Testing, and C3i. On this journey, I served as Professor of the Practice at UNC & NC State where I was lucky to be surrounded by talented students whose coursework led to multiple startups including 410 Medical, Contour Surgical, Augment Medical, Novocor Medical Systems, and MEDIC. Other notable experiences include co-founding Gilero, helping grow NC’s Med Device Industry by starting a nonprofit trade association, being part of a Biomedical Engineering Senior Design transformation, helping develop Coulter College, serving as Director for Duke NeuroInnovations, coaching for Industrial Design Firm Trig, starting & selling SaaS business CanvasGT to Greenlight Guru, and developing the college course Real Social Change.